Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The pencil strikes back..

Helllo again my lovelies!
Firstly thank you to the ones that actually email me your thoughts about my banter because you don't have an account and you wish for me to reply and etc, aha, I love hearing them, I promise =D. It makes me happy knowing you guys take the time to read my posts =)

So...thoughts on the new header I've posted up has been mostly kudos to you guys. Though some of you have noted that the colours are a little concentrated.
Now the problem stems from the fact that my dumb laptop has a strange default setting on the monitor that makes the colours more dull than they actually hence when I colour in photoshop...the resulting colour is different than what I assume them to be.

QUESTION: how does one calibrate their monitor???? If you could help me, I'd be so grateful guys!

Now onwards. =D
I've actually been so lazy these past few days/weeks, that time has gone by so quickly! I've only got 3 proper weeks until the start of those damn exams and lord help me, my brain has not accepted this information! I've once again left revision to the last minute and I'm still finding every opportunity to stop staring at my textbook and start drawing.
I actually did a self portrait a few days back..and lol, it doesn't even look like me...mmm I see a vague resemblance..but the overall where near what I potentially look like. aha. It doesn't help that I drew it with webcam on...everytime I looked up the original image moved..haha. and now one questions why I didn't just take a snapshot. God...ask my stupidity.

Here's the result anyways...:
mm...the face isn't wide enough...and lol...I definitely mucked up the eyes. sigh.

BUT.  Onto a happier note.

I did a quick sketch of Ariel after listening to "Part of your world- Reprise", and it actually turned out quite well....spent about 10 minutes on it...but mm I'm pretty happy =D
lookie LOOOKIE:

I need to work on tonal work with the pencil..but otherwise..I'm pretty happy.
Anyways dudes, I've definitely gotta get some snooze or I'll never wake up tomorrow.
Love you all as always.
Signing out,

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Kal-Robo 10 + New sketch

Well, it's been a while since I last blogged and thought it high time to update you guys on what I've been working on. I've also been planning a layout change for my blog..but for my new vision to happen, I'm going to need to improve my digital painting in photoshop. =D So stay tuned hehe. =]

Right. many of you know I've finally convinced my mum to let me suscribe to Imagine FX, and omgosh what good timing too! The christmas offers have come on and ahh <3 I got a very good I can't remember the details of, but good nevertheless. But the point is, the new issue just came through the post and came with its very own Kalo-robot 2010!! Took me about an hour to cut and make, but its been worth it!! Ahh the cutest thing ever!!
The first image shows the face of the cute robot and as seen , the month face can be removed and replaced according to the current month. The send photo shows the back of the robot ahh!! ISNT IT CUTE!! comes with 3D ears hands and feet ahh <3

The templates can be found on under 'Designer Originals'. Totally the coolest thing everr!! haha next. I've been trying to improve my anatomy for women...cause I find them much easier to draw than the male figure on most days. My latest piece :

I've pretty much got the position pat down. I find it easier to get the pose right by blocking in little thumbnails of what the position could look like in photoshop and fix on one that I like, then lay down the lines. So thats the result so far ;D
Well guys, apart from my clear ignorance of the closeness of Jan exams, I'm doing pretty good.
But I'm going to sign out right now and lay down some more designs for that dress of hers.
Much love as always

Tuesday, 17 November 2009


Hey guys, it has been super boring lately. Nothing is happening, nothing is planned anymore, just watching the clock tick as the days go by. has happened to that notion???


But I guess lately, I've been sketching more, and just basically laying down ideas for some compositions I've been having in mind. Been raving about the female anatomy I took Gil Elvgren under my wing to get some inspiration and DAMN, it has been good.
For the non artists, Gil Elvgren is THE best pin-up artist in the history of American illustration. Working mostly with oil on canvas, his illustrations are by far one of the most amazing renderings of pin-up girls I have ever seen. Seriously someone to look into if you want to digest the female anatomy.

I've also been getting loads of ideas for compositions with mechs in them...and the only thing stopping me from going all out is that I can't put pen to paper with robots. I see it in my mind, but no, hand is not cooperating again. *sigh* Is this the never ending cycle of learning that artists have to go through TT___TT"????

Anyways, it's late...but I'll leave you all with a Mech girl sketch ;]
It's not finished...and the anatomy is wrong in places because I couldn't find a suitable reference, but it's just laying down the character specifics before I do the final piece.

As you have most probably realised....I am NOT good at drawing arms. No matter what I do, they just look another thing on the list of stuff to learn. *sigh*

Well my lovelies, I'm signing out.
Much love as always,

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Artist update??

Yoo my wonderful readers. How's it all going? Some of you have asked me where the hell has all my updates on artwork gone....and LOL.....but currently my 'completed' work has amounted to my 'in progress' work is currently toppling over me.

I was flipping through my sketchbook today and realised that I've hardly finished any piece I've started. Kind of depressing, but sometimes when I mull over a piece too much I never finish it..and then I have a sudden burst to start up an idea that's suddenly hit me. So apologies guys. I promise to be more efficient.

So as compensation...I might as well show you some of my in progress pieces...some you ight have seen before...but I've updated it, cleaned out some lines, laid out some more ideas on paper and etc. Most of these are the second to third sketches...a more solid layout of the original idea. most of you know..if you've been following my past few blogs, that I've had some major Disney animation lovage that's hit me since I saw the animation preview of  'The making of The Princess and The Frog', which features Disney's first black princess. I think the design is absolutely breathtaking and am so pleased that Disney's returned to their original roots of 2D animation. So look out for its release this coming December.

This piece actually shows stage 1 of my art process.
I've just basically laid down the basic shapes and the positions of the charcters, so it doesn't look like much at the moment.

It's taken from one of my all time favourite Disney shows, Beauty and the Beast.
The charcters, storyline, compositions and orchestral pieces are phenomenal. I've watched it so many times, I swear I've memories the actors lines and all the animation processes xD hahaha
Obsessed or what.

ps: This film was released in 1991 ;] The year of my birth...ack I was so happy to find that lil fact out xD

As you all know, my love for Young Bae (aka Tae Yang to BB fans) has been endless haha xD So I thought it's definitely high time I've dedicated a portrait to him. I actually found a reference pic to this on the internet...but it was a tad on the smal I'm having to guess the general layout of his oh so nice body. SIGH. I WANT A LIFE SIZE YB. <3 ;]

This next one I started recently. In fact I laid down the guidelines after practice on Friday...hehe =] This ones also from a referece I found on google. I need to take my cam to lessons from now on to capture some real art forms in action ;].

The one of Kamina you guys ahve definitely seen if you're on my Facebook. It's long overdued guys and I'm sorry =[ But I've cleaned up the sketch lines and I'm finally laying down the final hoefully it'll be finished soon. <3

GAHHH blogspot is being so slow and annoying right now. Plus I don't really like the new system they have for uploading pictures. I can't get the to position how I envision it and damn its frustrating. So where was I??
Oh right. some of you might recognise Candy Candy. It's my mums favourite animation when she was a kid and though it's been banned from stored because of a dispute with money issues between the artist and storyboard producer was it?? I can't remember...the legend that was Candy Candy has become a thing of the past. But I've managed to get my hands on the manga series...though each page on the comic has been reduced to quarter of it's orginal size TT__TT and I've managed to scout out the anime...I'm not sure if its the original but according to's pretty close to how it used to be. The manga drawings are....WOH. just no words to describe the artists unique skill. Definitely recommended if you can find yourself a copy.
Then the rest of the works are just original pieces I've been working on. Most of it has a circus or performing theme in
The last drawing is just a sketch I wanted to plot down for a position I've been having in mind. Something might come out of it..I'll see.
Well...since my internet is lagging like a bitch...It's time I say goodbye before I whack my screen in frustration. hmm I feel like some good anime ciao my lovelies....I hope I haven't disappointed any of you with my lack of progress, and I'm sorry everythin is so slow lately.

Signing out,

Sunday, 25 October 2009

An update of the much needed

Hey my lovelies! It's been awhile and hmm...not much has happened. haha xD

The last time I blogged was near the end of September and now we're touching November so first and foremost I'm sorry for the long break.
What's been going down you ask??
I've finally been allowed to join WMINs breakdance class <3 Thank you MUMMEH <3. Classes are amazing..even ifI'm only allowed to go to them once a week on fridays. =[ I have to miss Tuesdays otherwise my parents will not be happy people till they see some results in my studying.
What have I picked up?? Well...out of the many different ways one can do a 6 step, I've picked up 2 ways. I always thought the first one was easier....but practising at home, I've come to terms that the 2nd one is relatively easier in it's transition. I've also picked up some basic toprock and it's transition to floor work, so damnnn...AWESOME stuff guys. I'm having so much fun.
CAN I just say though. Too much popping hurts xD haha, but maybe we'll finally see some muscle definition in Kay Tang ;).

Another update?? I've finally decidedto take down a portion of my posters on my wall, dating back to year RIP my lovely replacement of an art piece. WOO.
I decided on pixel art cause I find the transfer from paper to wall is much easier that way. Plus anyone can do it..even if you're not artistic.
Basic Materials:
- Ruler
- pencil
- Masking tape
- Paint brush
- Acrylic

Measurements: 94 cm X 120 cm.

ps: I think I overdid it with the orange skin...but there we go ;]

Hm...that's actually all that's been happening. Obviously I'm still revising and least I'm trying to anyways. =P Sadly I have no interesting articles or artists to share with you all this time round...but hopefully something fun will crop up soon and I can blog away about it =]
Ima call it quits for today and get back to lining my much overdue naruto pic ;]
So stay tuned guys.

Much lav


Saturday, 26 September 2009

Letting go...

Hey guys =D
Just said goodbye to my Sumy on the phone and it's occurred to me that DAMN...I should be in the car behind her going to Bath too. Sad times.
BUT. no regrets. no regrets allowed in this life. It's too short for that. Only look forward and pray this detour on the straight path I was travelling on leads me to a better, more exciting place. This reminds me of the game, Snakes and Ladders. You gus still have the old board game from decades ago?? haha. Landed on the wrong box and steped foward one while taking 2 steps back.

The laptop is about to burn a hole into my mattress.....>_<"

I've been having a mega Disney saga lately. Downloaded the sountracks of the classics and it's actually given me so much inspiration. Done quite a lot of sketches....coming up with new compositions.
Now all I need is to improve my anatomy and background work and I'm set. So cross fingers?? I'm still trying to sieve out a style that I'm fairly comfortable with and work it all out from there. Then I can start selling and stuff. HOPEFULLY. That is afterall the plan for the rest of the year.

NOTE. I'm slowly withering away. The personal statement has never been more a monster in my entire life. It's actually come back with more rigour and fight in it than I last remembered. It's haunting me. O_O"
I don't know why I'm finding it so difficult to lay down what I want to say. I guess I'm not good at expressing myself formally to others. sigh.
I WANT TO GO TO BATH. I swear down..I said I wouldn't regret...but bloody hell it's getting harder everyday. But I guess the good part is I have  free year (half year cause of retakes) and I can concentrate on the art that I've been negleting for these last few years. Soooo bare haps there =D

Well...I guess it's time I get back to it. It's late...but I've been procrastinating again and damn I just wanna send it off ASAP. So ta my lovelies.

Update soon....I promise...hopefully haha.
Much lavvv

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Teach that baby.

Ah man..I think my wrist is about to fall off. Was revising today and ya know me, can't stay focused for more than 20 mins, which is quite dismal actually....but mehh.
So went to watch Step Up 2, and got in the groove to do some break. I ain't practiced since May before exams...and I'm a REAL beginner so thought I would never see the lights of simple baby again but WOH. After a few practice runs I managed to do it once more EEE. Got my SLOW 6 step and some CC's...some stuff I thought would never come back to me cause my balance and top body strength has tumbled down hill...(I can't do even one pressup.....I know..0_0)

Haha I've been damn excited all day.
Wanna see the failures?? BLEH. check it out.

Failure 1:                                              Collapse 2:

Failure 3:


hmm I'm pretty much self teach by watching mates and them youtube if I'm doing something wrong please tell me...I hardly know any of the safety for all I know I could be really damaging my  wrist and neck.

haha just thought I'd share my amazement with you all xD ...=]
Right..well I guess I'm gonna catch some shut eye. Everyones off to uni now and there's only a few stranglers left, I'm feeling butt lonely sulking at home. Might as well make the most of it I guess...."sighh".

Nights then my lovelies.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Righty hoo.

Yo dudes! how've you all been doing?? I've been a little disheartened today since I heard one my family members say that, and I quote, "not getting even one A when I go to the almighty Henrietta Barnett was a tad crap/bad."

Gee thanks. Much appreciated. Way to boost a gal's self esteem. I can take lectures and crap from my parents because that's just they're way of showing they care but ain't even an immediate family member. It just really saddens me when I hear people say that. As if they're implying that I've been spoonfed information from a gold plate (allow silver) on how to pass exams since I could walk.

Gah ANYWAYS. That slap in the face aside.

I was browsing pdf files on the internet looking for some inspirational art viewpoints and came across "Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes volume 1 by Walt Stanchfield", and gosh, I definitely recommend this book to amateur and professional artists looking for guidance, or just as a reference point really. Specialising in Disney's animation studio, he's got such great advice on story telling and graphic communication. I'm really sorry that I don't have the link to the computer decided to end it's life while I was still reading through the file GAH. TT__TT and I can't seem to locate it again.
But thank god I wrote the name down. Searched it up on Amazon and new copies of the book cost a whopping £20...but the used and abused section slashed it to just below a tenner I think. If I'm wrong...I'm sorry =S.

However, if your strapped for cash no pro. Central London accomodates for all ;] haha. Nah, there's loadsa comic book stores that you could hit up, but the one I go to is called 'Forbidden Planet'. Closest station..hmm Leicester sq? I usually just walk from there. Google map it. 179 Shaftesbury Av. Bottom floor is the one you want.

THIS is what I want to get my hands on..been time since I've seen spidy and spider-woman together. =]Good composition. <3

PLUS. I've been working on a few sketches and cleaned up this one a tad:

Hmm...I'm not sure what's wrong..but she just seems a bit stumpy to me..but ahh a sketch right ;]. heh =]

Anyways...though it is late in the night I've got to get back to stats. =_=. goddamn that unit. Makes my head hurts every time I see it.

So ciao for now.
Much lavv

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Kick in the right direction.

Hello my lovelies <3 I just spent the last hour finishing this pic off. I've had the sketch for yonks and never got round to doing the proper lines. heh =P

Koukou Debut: Kiss by ~Kaywaii-T on deviantART

Prints are welcomed...though I'm still searching for good deals...someone hook me up with a good print shop?? =] pretty please =} it'll be very much appreciated.

Sigh...I've been going mad on twitter HA...and my personal statement is STILL hanging by threads TT__TT. I hate writing that thing, WHYY OH WHYYY do we have to do it. But hopefully all goes well this time round ehh.

BY THE WAY. Tune in to J.S.Campbell's LIVE draw here. It's just like an insight into how he thinks, his compositions, how he basically goes about doing what he does best. --> from the world of MARVEL COMICS. <3

Hope you're all well, I've not been in the mood to entertain today, dunno why, sorry m'dears. So I guess it's goodbye for now. =]
Muchooooo amor

Friday, 11 September 2009

Tweets anyonee??

right...question people.
Twitter?? What is twitter?? =D


thank you.
well i KNOW what it is...
but the purpose??
24/7 one line updates?

inform this sad deprived soul. =D


Thursday, 10 September 2009

Oh September...

Bloody Hellll!!!!. =_=" For the past 2 hours I've been trying to push my new WIP title up there to the left so it spans out the width of the screen...but no..blogger has decided that today was the day it would make my life difficult.
I won't even begin to explain how much I hate html right now and how it won't do my bidding. *sigh* someone please help me...I think Ive gone through enough trail and error to last for a long while. Ive managed to push it to the left when I edit the 'outter wrap' in 'Edit html', but then the ENTIRE page is pushed to the left =_=. how DUMB. I can't seem to shift the posts right after that!! GAHHHH! I want the posts to remain in their CURRENT position and for the header to start off completely to the left. No outter wrappig business going down or, padding...or what ever crap they have decided to name it.


Can you believe it's september??..TT__TT" I can't either. Why is time flying so quicly when I don't want it to?? It's not like I'm even trying to preoccupy myself with anything at home. I thought time was supposed to go SLOWLY when you're bored??...hmm guess not then =S.'s almost 3 AM ..internet signal's been giving me the finger's clearly had enough of me..haha
so ciao while this still works. =]
much love


Tuesday, 25 August 2009

ENOUGH of the sad'un

RIGHT. I don't particularly like looking at the post below..and my page is so damn dull..thought I'd perk it up with some photos from my NEW CASIO EX-Z400. Yes baby, you read that right..finally got myself a new cam after the many years of service from my old one. Still trying to get a hold of the functions...but getting there. ahhhh I love new technology!!!
Just giving ya'll a photo insight into my lovely summer hols. =]

hehe =] summer summer summer.
signing out.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Whats going downn

Is it bad to hope?? to wish?? to want something in life?
I can't even explain how annoying, stressful and distraught these last few days have been. But to be honest...I brought this onto myself as always. Damn my lazy ass. gahhhh!! It's caused me some mega trouble this time.

But before I start to explain what the hell has happened...I want you to know that my summer hols were amazing!!! So bloody amazing! Great fat sun, heatwave, thunderstorms in HK, buff food in Malay..couldn't be better man...I miss my laksa already TT__TT.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated sooner..I went on hols straight my exams with the fam, and haven't had internet since, cept for the stray signals stolen from neighbours in Malay. =P ;]. And what do I come back to?? I ruin my hols to come back for A2 results...which was a bum on a new level of its own.

I missed my grades for uni.
Specifically Bath uni.
should I repeat that phrase in case you didn't catch that?


lol..excuse the language. So after phoning multiple unis up..and I mean 20+ kind of multiple, with a robotic response of "sorry our Economics course is full" and "hang on a sec, let me record your details, enter you on the system and I'll get back to you", I decided to give up and clear my head. Am I prepared to waste away the next 3-4 years at some uni I haven't even considered, with a course I'm not committed to?
The answer was simple really. No. Definitely no. I don't want to rush to uni for this. I'd rather deal with the wrath of disappointed parents for a bit than to do that. Cause in the end, I'm going to uni for myself right? Not for anyone else. I really want to go to Bath. The city is beautiful..the uni is beautiful. It's just such a good breath of fresh air from London. Can't believe my idiocy and laziness cost me this.

*sighhh* But this points me directly onto the gap year path...which, secretly, I'm really happy about. Always wanted a gap year and this gives me the excuse to have one..though not through the best of circumstances, but certainly gets me there.
So the plan is.. xD I'm going to study for retakes in some modules to get me those damn A's so I can reapply and hopefully be given a second shot at Bath. I pray to God..any higher being up there to watch over me and give me strength...luck...whatever it takes to get into Bath..or a uni of my choice next year. hmm..Then after the retakes I'm going to get some hardcore work experience and then during summer I'm going to volunteer...probs in China, to teach English to lil kidos. Then swim over to I have no cash by do some travelling. Sounds good?? (would someone like to rent a boat to me so I won't have to swim to Aussy..O_O...xD hahah)

ISSUE 1: I have no idea where to look for work experience. Probs in the banking sector?? or auditing?? Just something I can dig into for about 2-3 weeks..anything financy?? please can someone advise me?? I'd really appreciate that.

and I'm sorry...I haven't been able to update anything on my art lately. I've been a total bum ehh?? I'm sorry. But I will...soon. very soon...hopefully.

ISSUE 2: I SUCK at HTML. I'm sure you all realise this from the shittiness off this page T_T and I'm sorry. I'm trying to do something about this.....

sigh...some essay huh?? happy reading?? haha =]

Plan for my page??: progress then xD WIP.

Many hearts my lovelies.

Saturday, 13 June 2009


SIGH indeeed my lovelies!!
Officially only 5 days left of high school life!! >br> YES BABY!! lately...
1. drooling over Taylor's new HAWT body..
2. stressing over exams..(there's a in-depth story below....)
3. doodling..trying new styles in photoshop..
4. invest in a new tablet?? dunno..I find mine is really constricting, in that it's too small and my wrist is dying..xD
5. INVESTIGATING MALE CONTOURS ;] ;] in the words of my dear friend ;]

Anyways, I've been recovering from my horrendous all nighter from thursday night's/friday morning's revision cram of Unit 6 Economics. That was a disaster. I thought I was going to vomit and lose consciousness in the exam. The actual exam was ok I guess, it could have actually been about the phillips curve or the EU, then I'd REALLY be sent into A&E.
But enough about exmas...(IVE ONLY GOT 2 LEFT HOORRRRAA!!)
I've been doodling I've mention up above...
I'm quite happy with the results..though it's still was just quickly CGed to get me into the mood of the picture...:

There's two more to come and I would put up the sketches but I have yet to scan it into the watch this space.. =]

brb ;]

Friday, 5 June 2009

Burne Hogarth.

You know guys. today...was the most difficult..horrendous..annoying...ridiculously ....i dont think i have a strong enough word in my vocabulary quite yet..but just know today was the most horrid acedemic day of my life to date. seriously.

I think I'm about to collapse..though yes it is 23.19...but I will explain later on why I'm still awake at this ungodly hour on such a day. I had 3 A2 module exams today, thats a total of nearly 5 hours of exams...oh maybe my maths is wrong. I started at 9 AM and didn't get to finish till 5PM. how ridiculous!

I thought I was gonna vomit from utter terror and stress the entire day. It didn't help that the Mtahs papers this year for OCR are unbelievably difficult. I want to strangle the examiners. just WTF were they thinking!
Bloody cruel the lot of them

....economics ...I really don't know how I just wasn't lets all pray and hope I make the grades to Uni,...otherwise...sheesh. there is no otherwise.


onto the main point. =] I came back home squinting...ready to plop into bed..bag and all...but my dear mummeh shoved some fat book in my face. =O

lets take a moment to comprehend this. this BOOK. Ive been waiting for this to be delivered for WEEKS!! it's Burne's 'dynamic figure drawing book' and GOSH. it's actually amazing. Had to search all over ebay and amazon for it..but damnn was soo happy when I found it for a reasonable price.

Avid artists wanting to understand the human figure/anatomy/dynamic positions should get this book...I guarentee you'll find it the most helpful thing to come about in a long while. thumbs up on this one.

hehee..and it's the reason I'm still bloody up tying this message to you all at friggin midnight when my eyes have shut. I just couldnt stop sketching..but the one thing that came out quite to my liking was:

hahah me and my pervy self. but mannn.
i like this one. =]
though I do realise that his chest is too small for his body..hmm theyre meant to be bigger...cause the torso/abdomen is not supposed to cover like....80% of the body..oh wells. and since scanning this in..ive realised a lot of other anatomy blunders..but im working on it. =] sooo.
much love.
I really need to drop to bed


Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Page layout...

right guys..I'm sorry about how my page looks right now..the white background is hurting my eyes...dunno about yours. I'll fix it up tomorrow..or some time very sleep calls..otheriwse I won't wake up in time tomorrow for my driving lesson.

WHITE. is deifnitely out of the question.
I was looking for a slight tinge of grey...that would have been nice..or a 'duller' white...but blogspot is being I may have to go back to myspace to fish out that html colour chart..that was oh so very useful..., back in the day of the myspace era.

but mann check out my baby to the right of your lovely screen!!
copyrighted logo bitch ;] ;]

so ciao for now guys..and deal with the glaring screen.
much lavvvv


New Perspective..??

Hey guys, I've been talking to some friends lately..and it's got me thinking...what is it exactly are we going to Uni to achieve??
of course, for us youngin's, it's for the sole purpose of a few good years to kick back and relax before entering the workforce.
But that's just it!! What is it that we're going to end up doing?? the city job?? 9-5?? Some even asking for longer hours for less pay...take it or leave it. I don't want that man...but since I'm going to Uni to study economics...many people already assume that that's all I'm going to dedicate my life to.
It's harsh man.

Human life has no perks till you make one. It's hand-made not found.

hmm but since I have sort of strict traditional parents, they think, like most, a good education is the only foundation to making money or to achieve anything worthwhile in life..... Not really actually. Once you've been through the educational KNOW its not true! You have to learn and put up with all this extra crap that you don't need. In general, parents expect top/good grades in school..otherwise they make it sound as if you've already failed in life.
but MATE. If most of you reading this are around my age..give and take a few good've only lived 1/5 of your life...if even that!!
you ain't seen NOTHING yet.

You go to school to see how good you are at learning out of a book...but's not from a book. School is just cherning out people to work for the follow make a great employEE!!. But bloody hell I want to be the employER. But that's gonna take some time. It's gonna take effort.
So how do I do this?? thats the question.
but I'll get there...soon enough.

mann..that was a harsh more serious note than usual..but I've been thinking that for a while...first cropped up bout 2 years ago when my parents reviewed what were the possibilities of life with me before I chose my AS subjects.
and many of you know..I regret taking Biology. I really should have stuck down hard and gone for Art..though I've been told I'm lucky I didn't..but I still regret it. For most of it..I want to get something out of what I do...but I've just wasted an entire 2 years studying for Biology..and it's a proper waste. thats 7 periods a week that I've wasted.

This summer??
definitely try to look into understanding html so I can make this blog look more personal. I've got some designs in my head..but I'm finding it hard to put it down on I need to improve that too.
Then Anatomy drawing.. =S...YES . that ISS why I perv over nice bodied men..I want to get their anatomy right.
then I need to improve my techniques as a digital artist..
mann..just too much to do...SO much I want to do.
so little time.
but before I can even start dreaming of these times..exams come first.
back to revision.
signing off then babes.
much lav


Monday, 25 May 2009

Goku: The Process

hey m'loveliesss.
well..before I go to my eyes are seriously squinting at the screen...I thought I'd post up the step by step on how I did the 'Goku' Piece...which can be found on my DA account..


its not a tutorial..just a quick snapshot of the process on PS.

then I tweaked the colours abit cause I didn't like it..then VOILA.
I'm still working on the background..but it's taking ages as I suckkk at backgrounds. =[ =[
boo... eyes reallly are =S...goodnights. =]]
sleep well
