Thursday, 10 September 2009

Oh September...

Bloody Hellll!!!!. =_=" For the past 2 hours I've been trying to push my new WIP title up there to the left so it spans out the width of the screen...but no..blogger has decided that today was the day it would make my life difficult.
I won't even begin to explain how much I hate html right now and how it won't do my bidding. *sigh* someone please help me...I think Ive gone through enough trail and error to last for a long while. Ive managed to push it to the left when I edit the 'outter wrap' in 'Edit html', but then the ENTIRE page is pushed to the left =_=. how DUMB. I can't seem to shift the posts right after that!! GAHHHH! I want the posts to remain in their CURRENT position and for the header to start off completely to the left. No outter wrappig business going down or, padding...or what ever crap they have decided to name it.


Can you believe it's september??..TT__TT" I can't either. Why is time flying so quicly when I don't want it to?? It's not like I'm even trying to preoccupy myself with anything at home. I thought time was supposed to go SLOWLY when you're bored??...hmm guess not then =S.'s almost 3 AM ..internet signal's been giving me the finger's clearly had enough of me..haha
so ciao while this still works. =]
much love


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