Saturday, 26 September 2009

Letting go...

Hey guys =D
Just said goodbye to my Sumy on the phone and it's occurred to me that DAMN...I should be in the car behind her going to Bath too. Sad times.
BUT. no regrets. no regrets allowed in this life. It's too short for that. Only look forward and pray this detour on the straight path I was travelling on leads me to a better, more exciting place. This reminds me of the game, Snakes and Ladders. You gus still have the old board game from decades ago?? haha. Landed on the wrong box and steped foward one while taking 2 steps back.

The laptop is about to burn a hole into my mattress.....>_<"

I've been having a mega Disney saga lately. Downloaded the sountracks of the classics and it's actually given me so much inspiration. Done quite a lot of sketches....coming up with new compositions.
Now all I need is to improve my anatomy and background work and I'm set. So cross fingers?? I'm still trying to sieve out a style that I'm fairly comfortable with and work it all out from there. Then I can start selling and stuff. HOPEFULLY. That is afterall the plan for the rest of the year.

NOTE. I'm slowly withering away. The personal statement has never been more a monster in my entire life. It's actually come back with more rigour and fight in it than I last remembered. It's haunting me. O_O"
I don't know why I'm finding it so difficult to lay down what I want to say. I guess I'm not good at expressing myself formally to others. sigh.
I WANT TO GO TO BATH. I swear down..I said I wouldn't regret...but bloody hell it's getting harder everyday. But I guess the good part is I have  free year (half year cause of retakes) and I can concentrate on the art that I've been negleting for these last few years. Soooo bare haps there =D

Well...I guess it's time I get back to it. It's late...but I've been procrastinating again and damn I just wanna send it off ASAP. So ta my lovelies.

Update soon....I promise...hopefully haha.
Much lavvv

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