Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Artist update??

Yoo my wonderful readers. How's it all going? Some of you have asked me where the hell has all my updates on artwork gone....and LOL.....but currently my 'completed' work has amounted to my 'in progress' work is currently toppling over me.

I was flipping through my sketchbook today and realised that I've hardly finished any piece I've started. Kind of depressing, but sometimes when I mull over a piece too much I never finish it..and then I have a sudden burst to start up an idea that's suddenly hit me. So apologies guys. I promise to be more efficient.

So as compensation...I might as well show you some of my in progress pieces...some you ight have seen before...but I've updated it, cleaned out some lines, laid out some more ideas on paper and etc. Most of these are the second to third sketches...a more solid layout of the original idea. most of you know..if you've been following my past few blogs, that I've had some major Disney animation lovage that's hit me since I saw the animation preview of  'The making of The Princess and The Frog', which features Disney's first black princess. I think the design is absolutely breathtaking and am so pleased that Disney's returned to their original roots of 2D animation. So look out for its release this coming December.

This piece actually shows stage 1 of my art process.
I've just basically laid down the basic shapes and the positions of the charcters, so it doesn't look like much at the moment.

It's taken from one of my all time favourite Disney shows, Beauty and the Beast.
The charcters, storyline, compositions and orchestral pieces are phenomenal. I've watched it so many times, I swear I've memories the actors lines and all the animation processes xD hahaha
Obsessed or what.

ps: This film was released in 1991 ;] The year of my birth...ack I was so happy to find that lil fact out xD

As you all know, my love for Young Bae (aka Tae Yang to BB fans) has been endless haha xD So I thought it's definitely high time I've dedicated a portrait to him. I actually found a reference pic to this on the internet...but it was a tad on the smal I'm having to guess the general layout of his oh so nice body. SIGH. I WANT A LIFE SIZE YB. <3 ;]

This next one I started recently. In fact I laid down the guidelines after practice on Friday...hehe =] This ones also from a referece I found on google. I need to take my cam to lessons from now on to capture some real art forms in action ;].

The one of Kamina you guys ahve definitely seen if you're on my Facebook. It's long overdued guys and I'm sorry =[ But I've cleaned up the sketch lines and I'm finally laying down the final hoefully it'll be finished soon. <3

GAHHH blogspot is being so slow and annoying right now. Plus I don't really like the new system they have for uploading pictures. I can't get the to position how I envision it and damn its frustrating. So where was I??
Oh right. some of you might recognise Candy Candy. It's my mums favourite animation when she was a kid and though it's been banned from stored because of a dispute with money issues between the artist and storyboard producer was it?? I can't remember...the legend that was Candy Candy has become a thing of the past. But I've managed to get my hands on the manga series...though each page on the comic has been reduced to quarter of it's orginal size TT__TT and I've managed to scout out the anime...I'm not sure if its the original but according to's pretty close to how it used to be. The manga drawings are....WOH. just no words to describe the artists unique skill. Definitely recommended if you can find yourself a copy.
Then the rest of the works are just original pieces I've been working on. Most of it has a circus or performing theme in
The last drawing is just a sketch I wanted to plot down for a position I've been having in mind. Something might come out of it..I'll see.
Well...since my internet is lagging like a bitch...It's time I say goodbye before I whack my screen in frustration. hmm I feel like some good anime ciao my lovelies....I hope I haven't disappointed any of you with my lack of progress, and I'm sorry everythin is so slow lately.

Signing out,

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