Sunday, 4 April 2010


One and All! The sun's out today...and I'm stuck inside the house! =( So I've occupied myself in photoshop trying to improve my anatomy work...though it's a cover to perv on male I do >=D
Sigh. But seriously..everytime I'm inside the sun's out..everytime I'm outside rain starts pouring. GAH! Get it right dummy weather!

So I guess I'll give y'all a sneak peak of some yummy goods I've been working on (yes...I HAVE been slacking on the art requests part..sorry >_<")
<------------------------------- ;D
I've never done anatomy work in photoshop before, usually prefering to work with pencil and inks, but there's a first time for everything eh!?!
I kind of actually like it xD The pecs are looking nice ahah, though the left arm is kinda short..but I'll correct that when I'm on it.

It's actually quite nice to work on anatomy in photoshop, probably due to the easiness in switching between black and white to create the highlights and shadows of the muscles, rather than the boldness that inks give off.
ALTHOUGH! =_=" It gets quite fiddly and I'm prone to bogging down on detail rather than considering the entire piece as a whole. So gah. But I guess it's a good learning experience and I'm improving my skills.

Before I sign off till next time, I wanted to share with you guys a few photos that my friend took on her camera with her new lense on our photo day out. I think the lense details are f/1.8 50mm, although she changed it to f/2.0, if that makes any sense to the photographers out there >:D...It's currently all a pile of techno language to me right now, though I really want to learn! It's the lense that specialises in portraiture shots and my gosh is it amazing!

My fav shots:

Well guys, enjoy the photos!
Sun's setting. :)
Hope you're all well and revising for those exams ;D
aha. Happy Easter <3

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