Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The pencil strikes back..

Helllo again my lovelies!
Firstly thank you to the ones that actually email me your thoughts about my banter because you don't have an account and you wish for me to reply and etc, aha, I love hearing them, I promise =D. It makes me happy knowing you guys take the time to read my posts =)

So...thoughts on the new header I've posted up has been mostly kudos to you guys. Though some of you have noted that the colours are a little concentrated.
Now the problem stems from the fact that my dumb laptop has a strange default setting on the monitor that makes the colours more dull than they actually hence when I colour in photoshop...the resulting colour is different than what I assume them to be.

QUESTION: how does one calibrate their monitor???? If you could help me, I'd be so grateful guys!

Now onwards. =D
I've actually been so lazy these past few days/weeks, that time has gone by so quickly! I've only got 3 proper weeks until the start of those damn exams and lord help me, my brain has not accepted this information! I've once again left revision to the last minute and I'm still finding every opportunity to stop staring at my textbook and start drawing.
I actually did a self portrait a few days back..and lol, it doesn't even look like me...mmm I see a vague resemblance..but the overall where near what I potentially look like. aha. It doesn't help that I drew it with webcam on...everytime I looked up the original image moved..haha. and now one questions why I didn't just take a snapshot. God...ask my stupidity.

Here's the result anyways...:
mm...the face isn't wide enough...and lol...I definitely mucked up the eyes. sigh.

BUT.  Onto a happier note.

I did a quick sketch of Ariel after listening to "Part of your world- Reprise", and it actually turned out quite well....spent about 10 minutes on it...but mm I'm pretty happy =D
lookie LOOOKIE:

I need to work on tonal work with the pencil..but otherwise..I'm pretty happy.
Anyways dudes, I've definitely gotta get some snooze or I'll never wake up tomorrow.
Love you all as always.
Signing out,

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Kal-Robo 10 + New sketch

Well, it's been a while since I last blogged and thought it high time to update you guys on what I've been working on. I've also been planning a layout change for my blog..but for my new vision to happen, I'm going to need to improve my digital painting in photoshop. =D So stay tuned hehe. =]

Right. many of you know I've finally convinced my mum to let me suscribe to Imagine FX, and omgosh what good timing too! The christmas offers have come on and ahh <3 I got a very good I can't remember the details of, but good nevertheless. But the point is, the new issue just came through the post and came with its very own Kalo-robot 2010!! Took me about an hour to cut and make, but its been worth it!! Ahh the cutest thing ever!!
The first image shows the face of the cute robot and as seen , the month face can be removed and replaced according to the current month. The send photo shows the back of the robot ahh!! ISNT IT CUTE!! comes with 3D ears hands and feet ahh <3

The templates can be found on under 'Designer Originals'. Totally the coolest thing everr!! haha next. I've been trying to improve my anatomy for women...cause I find them much easier to draw than the male figure on most days. My latest piece :

I've pretty much got the position pat down. I find it easier to get the pose right by blocking in little thumbnails of what the position could look like in photoshop and fix on one that I like, then lay down the lines. So thats the result so far ;D
Well guys, apart from my clear ignorance of the closeness of Jan exams, I'm doing pretty good.
But I'm going to sign out right now and lay down some more designs for that dress of hers.
Much love as always